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Voice and Acting School

"You cannot teach a man anything,
                       You can only help him to find it within himself" 

Acting Workshops

There is no formal qualification, only that the prospective participant should have good communication skills. Of course fire in the belly and spring under their feet, and the will to slug it out will make things easier for the participants.
The admission would not be on first-come-first-served basis, but on the basis of an informal, invisible test. Which means the discretion for selecting the participants rests entirely with Sutradhar.

The whole workshop (including the production, if any) would be completed in a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 60 sessions of 2/3 hours each.
Yoga and Meditation, Body Language, Gestures, Postures, Mime, Observation and Imagination exercises, Voice and Speech exercises, Emotion and Sense Memory, Characterization, Improvisation etc.

Apart from imparting the 5 W’s (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY, WHERE)of acting, we believe in using one’s Body, Mind and Voice to make an actor out of him. Broadly called the acting workshop, this would also help one understand the nuances of direction, production management, inculcate script sense, light and music design etc. Since media acting also forms a part of the curriculum, we shall also emphasis on the Difference between Acting on Stage and Acting before the Camera. In short, the participant is groomed to become a comprehensive performer.

On completion of the workshop, the company would add them to its data base for outsourcing. But we shall give no guarantee of employment.
We have so far trained about 75 actors and outsourced about 40 as actors, dubbing, artistes, production and direction crew for films and television.

All these are still passionately involved with theatre, though

For us acting is not only a means to manifest one’s latent talent, but is also a tool in recreating one’s personality and to make good human beings out of individuals. We strongly believe that all of us owe something to the society. Our firm conviction is that one can become a better actor if he/she becomes a good human being.

The Sutradhar Family is growing every day, adding to the list the names of talented people who are ready to sweat it out, work around the craft with a disciplined approach and give their best each time. Join in, if you’re ready for this.This James Howell quote explains the Sutradhar attitude the best:

Voice Workshops

The workshop is open for all those who would want to take up voice-lending as an avocation or even as a profession. Those aiming at call center jobs could also benefit hugely from this course. Those wanting to improve their diction or talaffus in Urdu and Hindi can also benefit from this workshop. The course is also designed to help improve one’s communication skills through various SPEECH AND VOICE EXERCISES, YOGA, PRANAYAM, CONCENTRATION EXERCISES, VOICE MODULATION, VOICE THROWING etc. Generation of sound through OMKAR, Script and Play reading also forms an integral part of the workshop.

At the end of the workshop, the participants will be exposed to a digital studio environment to have first-hand knowledge of the equipment and to get familiar with the use of a microphone in a studio ambience. Their voices would be recorded and stored in our database as samples, for outsourcing.

However, the fee, course structure, timings etc., of both the acting workshop and the voice workshop are entirely at the discretion of the company and may change from time to time.

The workshop directors include Prof. Bhaskar Shewalkar and Vinay Varma.


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