Four lives… Running parallel…
“Diluted separation – never really meeting, but not completely out of touch either”.
ON VACATION, translated by Umashashi Bhalerao, Mahrukh N. Bharucha & Gayatri Natarajan is set in the city of Mumbai in modern times and is the story of four friends: Uttara, Kartik, Cyrus and Vyom. The play basically deals with relationships: man-woman, man-man or between human beings. It also reflects upon how a live-in relationship is different from any other human relationship.
It is English translation of Marathi play "Chotyasha Suttit" by Sachin Kundalkar, Directed by Vinay Varma. Cast: Phani Eggone, Abhijit Pundla, Shunila Kapur, Vinay Varma and Deepti Girotra.
4 shows are completed in Hyderabad. Also staged at Rangashankara, Bangaluru.